Quenching Your Thirst: The Art of Crafting and Enjoying Cannabis-infused Drinks

Refreshing cannabis-infused drinks garnished with sprigs of leaf weed

Preparation of liquid cannabis Drinks

Cannabis and marijuanas drink refer to beverages infused with cannabis extracts and compounds like THC and CBD. They come in various forms, including:

  • Cannabis-infused wines, beers, ciders, and spirits 
  • Non-alcoholic drinks like sodas, juices, teas, coffees, sparkling waters, etc.
  • Cannabis oil-based beverages with MCT oil, coconut oil, etc.
  • Water-soluble tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD beverages

Cannabis extracts are used to infuse or create these drinks. Extracts like oils and distillates are directly added or dissolved into emulsions evenly blending into the beverage. For non-alcoholic drinks, cannabinoids can be nano-emulsified to create water-compatible nanoparticles with faster absorption. This technology allows THC and CBD to dissolve properly.

Experimenting with Different Cannabis Drink Recipes

One of the great things about cannabis drinks is the endless possibilities for creative recipes you can experiment with. From refreshing cannabis lemonades to relaxing hot cannabis tea blends, the options are endless. Here are some recipe ideas to get your cannabis mixology creativity flowing:

Cannabis-Infused Iced Tea

Make your own thirst-quenching cannabis iced tea by first making a simple cold brew tea concentrate. Let it cool completely, then mix in your preferred cannabis tincture or oil. Add desired sweetener and fresh lemon juice, and pour over ice for a refreshing THC or CBD-infused summer sipper.

Spiked Cannabis Hot Chocolate

Make a rich cup of hot chocolate on the stovetop for a decadent nighttime treat, then blend in cannabis-infused milk or cream. Stir thoroughly and top with marshmallows or whipped cream. 

Cannabis mixes wonderfully into all types of beverages, from fruity smoothies to steaming mugs of apple cider. The key is finding recipes that complement the herbal flavour of cannabis. Be sure to dose carefully and enjoy your cannabis drink creations responsibly.

Benefits and Effects of Cannabis Beverages

Drinking cannabis provides effects different from other consumption methods. Benefits include:

Precise dosing: Drinks come in pre-measured servings with a specific amount of cbd vs thc per bottle or can. It allows consistent dosing.

Smoke-free consumption: You avoid irritating smoke entering your lungs.

Social experience: Cannabis drinks provide a social way to enjoy cannabis, like having beers with friends.

Flavor combinations: Mixing cannabis with drinks allows you to blend it with different flavours. Cannabis’ herbal taste complements many beverages.

Faster onset: Water-compatible cannabis emulsions in drinks may have faster absorption and onset than traditional edibles.

Hydrating: Drinks help keep you hydrated while enjoying cannabis effects.

In terms of effects, drinkable cannabis typically provides a milder high that comes on within 30 to 90 minutes and lasts around 4 to 6 hours. The effects feel light and functional compared to smoking or vaping.

Tips for Enjoying Cannabis Drinks

Here are some tips for safely crafting and enjoying cannabis beverages:

Start low, go slow: Begin with a low dose of around 5mg THC or less until you determine your tolerance. Wait at least 2 hours before consuming more.

Mind the dosage: Stick to one drink and avoid doubling up to prevent taking too much. Remember, commercial drinks often contain multiple servings.

Keep it chilled: Properly chilled drinks help conceal unwanted flavours and make them more refreshing.

Sip slowly: Drink your cannabis beverage gradually as you would wine rather than gulping it down. It helps avoid overconsumption.

Stay hydrated: Have some water between cannabis drinks to maintain proper hydration.

Shop lab-tested: Only buy regulated, lab-tested cannabis drinks to ensure accurate dosing and purity.

Avoid driving: As with any cannabis product, never drive impaired after drinking cannabis beverages.

Using these responsible enjoyment tips will allow you to craft and consume cannabis drinks safely.


Crafting and consuming cannabis-infused drinks allows you to consume cannabis in drinkable form creatively. With precise dosing and a lighter, functional high compared to other methods, cannabis beverages provide a refreshing way to enjoy cannabis socially or on your own. Follow responsible usage tips and use lab-tested regulated products to quench your thirst safely and deliciously. As cannabis drinks continue innovating, the future looks bright for this new way to consume and quench.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What’s better for new users: inhaling or cannabis drinks?

For new users, most experts recommend starting with very low doses of cannabis drinks. Ingesting cannabis delays effects onset, allowing you to gauge your tolerance better. Drinks also provide a milder high compared to inhaling methods.

Do cannabis drinks contain alcohol?

Some contain alcohol, like cannabis beers, wines, and cocktails. But many options like sodas, teas, sparkling waters, and coffees are non-alcoholic. Check the label to confirm the ingredients and THC/CBD levels.

Is it better to make your cannabis drinks?

If you want to control the recipe and ingredients, DIY cannabis drinks allow creativity. However, commercial cannabis beverages guarantee accurate, consistent dosing and potency when consuming.

 How long do the effects of cannabis drinks last?

Most cannabis drink effects come on within 30 to 90 minutes and last for around 4 to 6 hours. It is longer than inhaling but shorter than some traditional THC edibles The precise duration depends on the formula and your body chemistry.

Can cannabis drinks help with relaxation?

Yes, the light effects from cannabis drinks can induce an overall relaxed feeling in both mind and body without significant impairment. Low to moderate doses are ideal for relaxation.

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